Thursday, May 1, 2008

We're Movin On Up!

Yes yes, I know, we just got here.... but an improbable array of circumstances have aligned to provide us the opportunity to move again (see how positive I can be?).

Anyway, we'll be out of the 1908 house(same year my Grandma was born) in North Seattle at the end of May, and will be moving into a 1964 house (same year Paul was born) in South Seattle around June 15th.

Those of you who weren't humanities majors will quickly spot a disconnect between last possible day here (May 31) and first possible day there (mid June). For that period of time, we will be participating in something I like to call couch surfing - more accurately described as relying on the kindness of friends. Many have already offered to put us up(THANK YOU THANK YOU), and we're still working out what makes the most sense.

Also, my ass-kicking mom is coming up to help us pack up our stuff, and I hear tell that my brother has also volunteered, which is very sweet.

Oh yeah, and we have a huge cake due on (drum roll).... the 31st! Hooray!

Both Paul and I are very confident we can do what we need to, it just won't be as easy as if we were staying put. That said, we're also feeling like the universe is taking care of us - we're getting into a much better situation and are genuinely excited about the new place.
Wanna see the it? Check it here.
[no, we didn't buy, but this site has the best pix]

Seriously, it's going to feel like we're on vacation when we're home. And, YES, we'll still have a guest room.

Take care, y'all, and may all your unexpected fertilizer deliveries help your tomatoes grow sweeter.


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