Sunday, November 15, 2009

Movie I have to see...

...anyone want to see it with me?

Olympic Peninsula day trip

So I'm sitting here looking at our camera, that has some really nice pix of our recent weekend trip out to the Olympic peninsula....

But i don't have any idea where the cable is that connects the camera to the puter, so you'll just have to take my word for it that it was lovely, green, pretty, stormy, and fun.

The first place we tried to see, Hurricane Ridge, was actually closed due to snow. So, the ranger suggested that it'd be a great weekend to do some storm watching out on the coast.

Took his suggestion and headed out to La Push to watch some massive swells roll in.
Of course, since it was early November and stormy, almost no one else was around, so we had a grand time hiking around the coast and then the national park all on our own.
Quite rejuvenating, actually.

Even with the hail and lightning. :-)

If I ever find that cable, I'll post some pix.....