Thursday, January 10, 2008

The more our world changes, ...

(**WARNING: The link below includes lots and lots of swearing. If you prefer to avoid such language or have problems discerning satire from reality, please don't read.**)
...the more it stays the same. Except maybe with an expanded vocabulary. In any event, it's a touch dispiriting to see we're dealing with all the same stuff that Carter had to handle.

Experience: let's review, shall we? Obama is taking heat for not having enough 'experience' despite his local and national service, yet our current Commander-in-Chief had only been governor prior to his election.
I hope with all that's in me that the Obama campaign recognizes that discrepancy and runs crazy with it, especially if he gets the nomination and has to go against any Republican. What fun it would be to chide the Republican candidate on that point!!!


Anonymous said... we get to count the two who had far and away more experience than any of the others...Richardson and Biden...both vanquished by lack of interest.

Anonymous said...

It has also been pointed out by others, but none with my reputation for random wit, that the present administration had Cheney and Donald "you go to war with the delusions you have, not the facts you wish you had" Rumsfeld both with approximately 6 millenia of experience between them if you count the time spent beyond the shadows and look where that got us. A deep resume does not necesarrily mean the best person for the job.