Tuesday, January 8, 2008

If I could ask a Presidential candidate one (compound) question, ...

... it would be this:
Do you believe the President is required to follow the laws of the nation or do you believe that the President's executive status grants him/her exceptions to such laws?

If you were President today, how would you respond to the Federal judge's order to identify the status and location of documents generated in the White House?

Vote early vote often, because it's just possible that we can't do any worse, even with a waffling mormon spaz who denigrates his own constituents or a sweet little vegan gnome who wants to discuss UFOs and transubstantiation.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Not how I would respond but here is the response we will probably see shortly:


nepotism [(nep-uh-tiz-uhm)]

Favoritism granted to relatives or close friends, without regard to their merit. Nepotism usually takes the form of employing or appointing them to high office.