Sunday, January 10, 2010

Phoenix Cereal!

If you happen to remember a granola-type cereal called C.W. Post - which has been gone from the shelves since the mid-90's - then I have some good news!

Much like how the show Soap led to the spin-off Benson (that's right, I just made that reference, you love it!), Post cereal's Honey Bunches of Oats has led to the tastier Just Bunches... the closest thing to C.W. Post there has ever been on the market.

Sweet crunchy granola bits, stays crunchy for a long time in milk, great on yoghurt,.... in short, it's OM NOM NOM!

Heck, I even wrote Post a letter thanking them for making another good granola cereal.

So go get your tasty flashback cereal today, and no need to thank me.
Just keep buying it so they don't discontinue this one, too!

Cereal - it's not just for breakfast any more.

1 comment:

steele said...

HOLY CRAP! I just watched the video link. I had no idea that you've been making cat noises while you ate! I mean, we're talking like 19 years of hearing you make that noise, and now I finally GET IT! Damn...