Monday, January 11, 2010

C'mon California, you can do it...

The Courts are reviewing claims that the recently passed Prop 8 in California is unconstitutional, while the state is defending the voter-approved law.

Meanwhile, I'm just hoping that the issue can be argued on the most basic issue: Telling any two people that they are legally forbidden from doing something because of the gender of one of those people is - simply - discrimination on the basis of gender.
W+W = bad
M+M = bad
W+M = good
Just swap out one gender for another in the first two equations, and you can see pretty easily that the core problem is because one party is a woman but "should" be a man (or vice versa). That is no more or less than discrimination on the basis of gender.

We find this repugnant in every other setting, and have gone so far as to put laws in place to ensure this doesn't happen!
We can't discriminate in employment on the basis of gender, for instance, nor do we allow gender to determine who can drive a car, become a doctor, teach our kids, fix our computers, or fly our planes.

Why would it be okay to discriminate on the basis of gender in the romantic relationship between two adults?

So, come on California, get this one right. You can do it.

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