Sunday, January 17, 2010

All Cereal

When my boyfriend is out of town (yes, I call my husband 'my boyfriend'), I typically subsist on bowls of cereal. It's the perfect storm of everything being a little off because he's gone + I happen to really like cereal + it only takes a bowl and a spoon.
So, I decided to post my list of the 10 best cold cereals*.

In no particular order:
Wheat Chex
C.W. Post (Just Bunches is what it's called today)
Corn Pops
Raisin Bran
Strawberry Fields (by Kashi)
Grape Nuts
Honey Smacks
Frosted Shredded Wheat
Concentrate (Yeah, I can list a dead cereal. You don't like it, then submit your own favorites!)

Honorable mention (Cereals I rarely buy a full box of, but enjoy occasionally or use for other things):
Corn Flakes - also great for adding crunchy coating to butter baked chicken
Rice Krispies - also great for Treats, as well you know
Golden Grahams - also great for treats
Possible new contender: Wheaties Fuel - a totally brand new cereal with oodles of fiber and vitamins AND it stays crunchy in milk. After only 1 bowl, I quite like it, but there will be no final vote until I get to the bottom of the box.

*We all know there are only 2 real hot cereals - oatmeal and cream of wheat - so there's no need to list 'em. Taps for Wheatena. (sniff)


Anonymous said...

You're one weird kid.
But you're my weird kid so I guess I'm to blame for some of that weirdness.
Love ya

Can't find the sticky with my user name and password so this might or might not come thru as anonymous.

Anonymous said...

You're one weird kid.
But you're my weird kid so I guess I'm to blame for some of that weirdness.
Love ya

Can't find the sticky with my user name and password so this might or might not come thru as anonymous.