Monday, April 14, 2008

Head cold. Evil head cold.

like allergies on steroids. twitchy sinuses all over the front of my head.
but last weekend's sun was worth whatever price I'm paying now.

besides, I can't smell the cakes Paul is baking, so at least I'm not craving cake. (white chocolate swirled with raspberry, and red velvet)

in other news, Paul had a total flame out on a new cookie recipe. it was so amazingly bad I could barely get through one bite. chucked-the-whole-batch-into-the-trash bad. which just makes the many other great cookies he's come up with that much better somehow.


Unknown said...

We ate some of our Nedims over the weekend - delicious!

MintyJ said...

HEY! Aaron and I have head colds too. WTF??