Friday, November 9, 2007

Sometimes lists are just easier - List for this week

Things that rock this week:
Bacon Salt - really, it's zero calorie bacon flavored salt. It's also Kosher, for some reason.
William Shatner's recent album "Has Been" - to my total surprise, it's a shockingly good album. Maybe because it's produced with Ben Folds, and includes Henry Rollins, Aimee Mann, Joe Jackson, and other really talented people.
Marylin Manson's Best Of disk - his version of Tainted Love is something to behold.
Paul's new job.
"The Office" - I have just started watching it this week, damn that's funny.
My friend Christy just gave me this really cool marble-solitaire game on a board (handmade by her brother) with all these beautiful marbles that she picked out. I'm hooked on the game and love looking at it.
Finding lost cds.
Voting. Voting. Voting.
New queen size 400 thread-count deep purple sheet set on crazy sale.
The Argentine Soccer Highlight show is back!

Stuff that sort of sucks this week:
Working on a massive cake (will feed 200-250) for an outdoor party when we know that it's likely to be raining... and rain is really not very kind to cakes.
Being constantly cold in the bakery - the floor is so cold that my feet begin cramping from just standing on the freezing tile.
Resultant leg aches at night.
Paul cutting off his left index fingertip with an exacto knife. It looks gnarly.
Being too damn lazy, busy, or distractable to have gotten a haircut yet.
Still don't have a job.

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