Saturday, September 15, 2007

Mortality, marriage, mom; y' know, every day stuff

Yesterday was our 5 year anniversary. It was a pretty chill day, we didn't really do anything special to celebrate (had a friend over for dinner for unrelated reasons), and I'm coming to think sometimes that the simple act of making it for any length of time together is remarkable, much less doing so happily.

As a nod to how tenuous things can be, I should note that he saved my life a couple weeks ago when I choked on dinner. I remember thinking at the time that it would be a really dumb way to die, and that I had no control over what happened next. Strange, but I was nowhere near as panicky as one might expect of a control freak like me - at least, I didn't feel panicky. Not really sure how I looked.

That and developments concerning other people both just made me sit back and realize that even finding someone to share a few laughs with is a big friggin victory, much less making it to 34 years old (35 this month!) with almost 9 years with that same someone.

So, I'm declaring this whole life endeavor a success, and everything else that comes next is bonus.

Unrelated, but cool nonetheless:
How cool is my mom? She just let me drag her through setting up a gmail account and a blog over the phone because I want her to start writing about all the books she reads. I think it's so cool that she's only days from turning %*# and she's joining the blogosphere! Check out her blog at the link at the bottom of the page.

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