Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Christmas 2007

Started the morning off opening prezzies; a shout out to Santa, who was very very thoughtful this year. And isn't Paul cute sleeping under the tree?

An atypical white Christmas in the great Northwest

We invited some friends over for a potluck Christmas which, while being a tad more complicated than we anticipated (weather, cooking times), ended up really nice. Dicie, Julia, Aaron, and Jeannie were a pleasure to spend the evening with sharing food, drinks, the massage chair, and other lovely goodies.

Paul made an amazing turkey, which was quite the trussed up little birdie. He roasted it - after a day of soaking in a brine - breast-side down, so all the juices soaked down into the breast meat. SO. GOOD.

It kind of looks like the turkey pooped out the onion.

We destroyed the kitchen a little, but I've seen far worse chaos.
Nonetheless, a tribute to the gods of kitchen destruction (Jeannie, is there such a god/dess?); a carcass and some desicated stuffing:

I hope everyone's Xmas was a good one. I went to bed feeling really blessed to have the family and friends that I do, thankful for all of the obvious and invisible luck that has visited my life, and really pleased at the time I've been able to spend with so many great people this holiday season. The fact that I miss so many people just goes to show how fortunate I feel to even know them...

And that's not just the tummy full of carbs talking.


Anonymous said...

An Opus the Penguin! I have had my stuffed Opus since my 7th birthday and still sleep with him every night (maybe I should not admit this to the internet!). Also, my favorite Christmas movie EVER is "A Wish For Wings That Work" - if you've never seen it, I highly suggest looking it up!

Happy Holidays!

Anonymous said...

omigod, lizard! the turkey pooping out an onion is freakin hilarious. i love it. good, that looks good. miss the table and the food and the....well, you guys too. i'll call you back soon :)

happy holidays and new year if we don't chat ( is new year's eve technically now i guess :)