Friday, January 4, 2008

my own disconnect

So I'm taking a break from working on a big cake because all the work requires tilting my head down, which is making me dizzy today (see previous post on Benign Positional Paroxysmal Vertigo). Which is to say, this has started effecting my ability to work and earn money. And only now have I begun to think that maybe seeing a doctor could be a good move.
Of course, I'm not going to. I'm on some minimal health care plan - because I'm between jobs - and don't want to get substandard care on a condition that will then become a pre-existing condition once I DO get employment.
Yesterday I was taking a survey on the candidates, and one of the questions was about healthcare. I was asked how much the issue mattered to me; "Very important, Somewhat important, or Not important".
The disconnect between my own situation and national politics was revealed by the fact that I initially said Somewhat important. How much more important could healthcare reform be for someone like me??
Damn. Some days I feel like a very low watt lightbulb.

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