Monday, December 31, 2007

I just read this brief story, and wrote the following to the reporter in response. Not really sure why I was so motivated; it's just one of life's little mysteries. In any event: Drive Safely!!

"Ms. Jennifer Sullivan,
Thank you for your report about the Lynnwood man arrested for his 15th drunk driving infraction. I believe it's critical to continue reporting on such phenomena in order to battle the complacency that comes with otherwise generally sucessful programs instituted by our local governments and groups like MADD.

Upon reading your report, I wondered: 1) how does this man NOT have a breath-ignition contraption in his car, and 2)what are the relevant state and local statutes that apply to this repeat offender?

I understood from your report that his previous 5 convictions make him eligible for felony charges, but I'm simultaneously aghast that it takes FIVE convictions. How is it that such a law is so apparently lenient? Afterall, driving while drunk is nothing less than operating a large lethal weapon with impaired judgement.

Is there really nothing else to keep this particular hazard off the same streets I use?
Thank you for your work.

Elizabeth Walsh

1 comment:

j-dub said...

Ms Sullivan might mention the judge(s) who turned this guy loose too many times. It would serve to educate the voters who select many of the judges who supposedly serve the public good.