Probably not everything that matters, but it's what I have time for today....
I read last week that sleazeball Ron Perleman was sentenced to 25 years in prison for bilking investors or some such financial crime... and recalled from the cellars of my mind that once upon a time I'd applied for a job at one of his companies.
It was one of these sketchy group interviews that was more about selling the job to me than me selling my skills to the employer (Danger Will Robinson, DANGER!). Because I did really need a job at the time, I seriously considered the job, until my good friend Jeannie talked me out of it. Thank you Jeannie.
I realized the other day that I have an on-again, off-again relationship with my inner ear; I used to think I had a form of position-dependent vertigo, but after seeing a very experienced physical therapist at Virginia Mason (Debbie Stewart, very good), it looks more like I've just got some minor but permanent damage to my inner ear. She said it may have been due to an inner ear infection, possibly quite a while ago, and even though I don't remember anything like that, it doesn't surprise me with the nasty war of proliferation that allergies are waging against my sinuses each year.
So, the great news is that the crazy ass dizzy spells I was getting - more frequently and more serverely over the last few years - are actually manageable by doing very easy though somewhat uncomfortable exercises. One such exercise: Look at a written word on a wall (calendar, piece or art, etc.) that you can read clearly from about 2 feet away. While focusing on that word, shake your heard side to side rapidly for 30-60 seconds. Try not to throw up or get a massive headache. Get a massive headache anyway. Nonetheless, doing these 'desensitizing' exercises has helped a metric ton.
I miss my friends from back east. No, I don't miss VA/DC even one shred of an iota... but the really excellent people I had the good fortune to meet. And this isn't saying anything about my good peeps here, whom I'm truly happy to be able to hang with again, just that I wish could could easily see and spend time with ALL the people I like, and like a petulant child I'm bummed I can't have it all. East coasties: you are missed.
Pleasant surprise about having to call in sick last month with a bad case of the spins was finding out how many other people at work had experienced something similar, and were very sypmathetic. It's such a hard feeling to describe that it was nice to know that others understood how debilitating it can be.
And now....
Paul is working in the bakery, rocking out to Cookie's "Closing Time" and Marilyn Manson's version of "Tainted Love". We're getting ready to begin moving our stuff to our new place in 2 weeks, so there's a good deal of packing and sorting we have to do. I can't wait to move.
So much so that I'll say it again:
I. Can't. Wait. To. Move.We are really fed up with our current situation - in 17 years of being a renter I've NEVER had problems with a landlord, and this is so goddamn irritating and stressful.
And, while we know that there's no 'perfect' living situation, this next one will bring so much of what we want, it truly feels like a stupid lucky blessing.
And over at the Wayne mansion....
Got my car towed this week. Ah hah hah. Hah. Turns out they really mean it about not parking on the street between 7-9 am. Hah.
Saw Ironman last week with some friends, a good ride.
Last night Paul and I fell asleep after exhausting ourselves from a few good rounds of rowdy giggles. Maybe that's where today's general sense of well-being comes from.
It's a good good day.