I was thinking that there should be a single word for those crappy days where it's really clear nothing is going to go right. One of those terms that just succinctly communicates
"I'm going to write this day off as a bad alignment of the stars or planets, and everything will be better tomorrow, but it's probably best if I just stay in and go to bed early. It's nothing personal, it's just one of those craptacular days, y'all."
I just bailed on seeing a friend tonight and I feel really bad about it - and I might even have had a great time if I went - but this whole day has been poo scented and I suspect I wouldn't be the best company and, with that kind of forewarning, isn't it wise to heed the signs?
And, no, nothing really big went wrong (Paul is still the best, we still have housing and electricity, and the business is still moving along), but after one of the worst night's sleep I've had in a long time, I just woke up grumpy.
Maybe I could call these "phone book" days: Days when just hearing someone reading the phonebook would put me in a foul mood.
I'd even consider chalking it up to pms if I
had pms - now that I'm on the pill to regulate my cycles, most of that stuff has abated greatly (hooray!).
I'm probably able to embrace the craptastic nature of days like these because I do truly believe that I'm stupidly lucky most of the time and that the universe doesn't, on the whole, suck.
Anyway, if any of you have suggestions for a concise term that would capture the moment, I'm all eyes.