"Australia's opposition leader laments ear wax eating video"
What could I possibly say that could add anything?
In other news, today is Halloween. We bought a bunch of candy last weekend and valiantly avoided eating most of it. I piled it into a couple big bowls and set them by the door for the wee kiddies.
Paul set up some fun lights and stuff on our front porch.
I put on my sequin and pink maribou cat ears.
We even have a small pumpkin next to our welcoming gnomes:
And we only got one kid. Granted, he was dressed like a domino (a '3' and a '4', if you must know) which was really cool and original. And his mom stood back from the porch looking really proud, which was also cool.
But just one kid?? Man.
This is basically how I remember Halloween, I tell you what.
Kids these days. When will they learn the value of hoarding, bargaining, and trading if not at Halloween?
Damn. Pretty soon I'll be shouting, "You kids get off the lawn!" in white knee sox and shorts.