You can take the girl out of California, but you can't take the Cali out of the girl.
Anyway, I'm hoping to get a few pix to throw up here sometime soon from that grand watery adventure (resulting, I might add, in multiple sore limbs, whiplash, and a new appreciation for how stupidly cold water can be before it even thinks about freezing), and I owe a shout out of appreciation to the fellas working on the Alucia who let us come play with their toys!
This weekend Paul attempted to make Mexican coffee, as we saw it done in Akumal. For those who don't know, this is a flaming drink with rum, brandy, coffee, and Mexican 'crema'(a delicious artery clogging dairy product that has me fully in its grasp).
Here's the set up.
And please note that the fire extinguisher is nowhere to be seen in these pictures because it's right next to me
Going for flame...
ANY flame?
It was not to be... so sad. :-(
We'll just have to try again later.